Our Services
We act as your proactive and competent partner concerning all audit and financial issues. Our long-standing experience, the high quality standards and the cooperation with our selected partnersguarantee maximum benefit and reliability. Our expertise is contributing to your success.
Your benefit
Our audit services are based on a risk-oriented approach and are executed with state-of-the-art audit standards. Our teams consist of experienced auditors and therefore we conduct our services efficiently. This helps managing your time and resources during the audit. As an independent partner, we support our clients by providing all information andobservations we obtain during our audit and provide you with recommendations for improvement. Thus, our clients are provided with crucial information to enhance their business.
Our Activities
- Annual Audits of financial statements compiled according to national and international accounting principles (IFRS, UGB, BWG, WAG) following the International Standards on Auditing (ISA)
- Annual Audits of consolidated financial statements (UGB, IFRS) and Reporting Packages
- Audits of Associations and Foundations (VerG, PSG)
- Limited Reviews
- Audit of Reorganisations and Start-ups
- Audit of Internal Control Systems
- Audit of Aid Programs
- Audits of Donations under § 4a EStG
- “Spendengütesiegel” for NGOs
- Special Audits
Audit-related services
- Reorganisation concepts
- Consulting for Start-up companies
- Internal Audits
- Due Diligence
Compliance and Consulting
- Consulting on the implementation of internal control systems
- Consulting based on Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOA) or Code on Corporate Governance
- Business Valuations
- Consulting in Business Administration
- Consulting of Supervisory Board members in fulfilment of their duties
- Consulting in accounting matters for non-audit clients
Quality Assurance
- Annual reviews to internally assure the quality of the audit form ( 23 KSW-PRL 2017)
- External Quality Testing of Audit firms according to § 24 Austrian Audit Quality Management Law
Our Quality
To ensure the highest quality of our services, LOGOS is holding a valid certificate in accordance with § 35 APAG and is entered in the public register of Auditors and Audit Firms.
The recent external audit, confirming the adequacy of the quality measurements of Logos, was performed in 23.9.2013 and is valid until 19.12.2019.
Additionally LOGOS, as an Auditor of Public Interest Entities, is subject to the Inspections by the Austrian Auditors Authority in accordance with Art 26 Regulation (EU) Nr. 537/2014. In June 2019 an Inspection was conducted by the Austrian Auditors Authority. As a result, the adequacy of Logos’ implemented Audit Quality Measures was confirmed by the Authority.